Business Disability Insurance

Protect your business and provide a meaningful benefit to your key employees with disability insurance.

Who is this for?

As a business owner, you know there are certain key people – such as yourself or members of your management team – whose contributions would be sorely missed if they were unable to work. There’s no denying that losing you or an important team member to a disability could have a significant impact on your business’s performance and its bottom line.

Disability insurance can provide you with the resources you need to help you meet your personal and professional obligations.

How will this help me?

Disability insurance is designed to help mitigate risk by providing your business with financial support in the event that you or other owners of the business can no longer carry out your professional duties due to an illness or injury.

Also, by offering additional personal disability insurance, you can provide a meaningful benefit to your key employees. It’s a way to set your business apart from the competition.

What else do I need to know?

Protection for your organization

You need to maintain your financial commitments even if you are unable  to work. If this were to happen, disability insurance could help you continue to operate by providing funds to help pay for overhead expenses like employee salaries, rent, utilities and other costs.

Buy-sell agreement

Disability insurance can provide funds to help facilitate buying a disabled business partner’s shares through a buy-sell agreement. This type of agreement can reduce conflict between owners and heirs, helping the business return to normal.

